Garbage Collection and the Proper Disposal of Asbestos

Posted on: 18 June 2015

Disposing of asbestos-containing materials, or ACM, is a heavily regulated process. Before you decide to toss your asphalt siding and shingles into the general garbage collection that comes curbside every week, make sure you have an asbestos professional test it for the amount of asbestos in it. Even though anything with less than one percent asbestos in it can be tossed curbside, it still has to be disposed of in very specific ways. [Read More]

How Do You Rent A Dumpster For Collection?

Posted on: 29 May 2015

If you are planning on remodeling your home, you will probably be left with a lot of trash that needs to be collected. Since this most likely won't fit in your regular trash can, you can consider renting a dumpster. This is called a rolloff dumpster, and will be picked up by your local waste management company. It simplifies the trash collection process for you when you have more than what fits in your standard trash can. [Read More]

Why You Need To Rent A Dumpster When Evicting A Tenant

Posted on: 18 May 2015

As a landlord, it can be difficult to deal with tenants that have decided to not pay their rent, are violating rules in the lease, or are even using their unit for illegal activity. The day will come where you will need to evict them from their unit, but it can be quite a bit of work getting the place cleaned out. Here are three reasons why you need a dumpster to do it. [Read More]

Tips To Help Keep Your Garbage Bin Safe And Sanitary

Posted on: 13 April 2015

Taking out the trash is never a pleasant task because you must battle unsanitary conditions and odors. Unfortunately, some people fail to follow good maintenance practices with their garbage bins. Luckily, there are some simple tips you can follow to help keep your garbage bin from becoming too ghastly. In addition to making garbage night a little more pleasant, these tips will also reduce the problems that you experience from insects and other pests. [Read More]